Propane 101 to Advanced Tactics

Instructor: Ron Huffman

Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Location: Edmond Fire Training Center


The course is designed to provide the student with the information needed to respond to liquid and vapor leaks involving bulk transportation vehicles (rail, MC331 tanker & bobtail), bulk storage (250 gallon and larger), portable tanks, common residential above and underground.  The course title, “Propane Response, 101 – to Advanced Tactics” describes the path we will follow from beginning to end. Using my 30+ years’ experience working with and responding to propane issues we’ll discuss tried and true response practices and emerging technologies and tactics.  What is propane, what are the hazards, preplanning, response, and mitigation tactics that include: doing nothing, vapor dispersion, product control, product transfer, flaring and water injection.  The second half of the course is all practical evolutions, BRING YOUR GEAR and an SCBA if you participate in the hands on or come stand back and observe.